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Paul Maza is a senior lecturer of anatomy and primary care at the Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine.  He has spearheaded programs that engage Cornell vet students in surgical experience while helping to address local feral and pet overpopulation issues.  Dr. Maza earned a DVM at Ross University in the West Indies in 1995 and his PhD in College Science Teaching from Syracuse University in 2010.  Paul grew up in Seattle, Washington enjoying outdoor activities like hiking, backpacking and canoeing.  He studied Zoology at the University of Washington with the goal of contributing to the field of wildlife conservation, particularly carnivore species.  Dr. Maza spent three years working in small animal clinical practice prior to beginning his teaching career at Cornell.   Currently his interest in conservation has been turned to protecting local ecosystems through his efforts to stabilize stray and feral cat and dog populations. Traveling to new places with his family and FARVets is a passion of his, as well as running trails, marathons and triathlons.

​Who We Are




Paul Maza DVM, PhD

Director, FARVets



Board of Directors

Katie Emerson DVM

As a veterinary student, Dr. Emerson was one of the first participants on a FARVets trip, and has helped with many clinics both abroad and domestically.  Dr. Emerson has been a past president of both the Feline Club and the Shelter Medicine Club at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine.  Dr. Emerson currently is a veterinarian at the ASPCA in New York City, and will be leading FARVets trips to Mexico soon. 

Jami Landry,DVM, LVT

Jami is a graduate of Cornell Veterinary College.  Jami is an Associate Veterinarian at  Jami spent five years as the Senior Animal Cruelty Investigator for the Dutchess County SPCA in New York after earning her bachelors degree. While there she developed a deeper appreciation of pet overpopulation and the need for low cost veterinary services to serve low income pet owners. Jami first joined FARVets on a trip to Chetumal, Mexico as a licensed veterinary technician to assist Dr. Maza in organizing and implementing a sterilization and wellness clinic.  In that and subsequent trips to Playa del Carmen, Nicaragua and Bulgaria, Jami was instrumental in organizing and running clinic trips.  As both a veterinary technician and a veterinary student, Jami continues to help FARVets achieve its goals and missions both domestically and abroad.

Nadine Cross LVT

Mississippi DVM Class of 2019

Nadine's first FARVets clinic trip was to Grenada, and has been on several trips since.  As a veterinary technician, she helped with planning, and with overseeing anesthesia protocols, surgery preparation, and recovery of patients.  Nadine started veterinary school at Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine in the fall of 2015 and is helping to broaden FARVets reach to the southern US, in addition to continuing to participate in clinic trips abroad.

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